Hello Dr. Hall,
I wanted to say thank you for your guidance, education, and leadership when helping us with our Material Handing employees at PING. As a Safety Professional who has worked in various industries such as Construction and the airline industry, it is difficult sometimes to incorporate simple techniques that have large impacts. The material handlers at Ping face many challenges in task performance similar to those of baggage handlers when I worked in the airline industry. The IMS concept was very simple to learn and easy to implement with my large diverse employee population. In addition, it was a pleasure to work with someone who is an industry expert and considerate to each employees’ needs. Since we first introduced IMS to my material handling employees, we have had a noticeable difference with lifting, moving of material, and improved balance with my employees. The movement techniques IMS teaches, if done correctly and regularly will provide a more balanced and stronger employee, which in turn has reduced injuries and downtime for our employees. Thank you again,
— Erik Anderson, MSSS, CSP, Safety Engineer
Phoenix, AZ
I want to give you and your team a huge thank you for providing training to our employees. We have a very diverse group of employees, from office personnel to Fire and Law Enforcement and everyone gave such rave reviews for the training your team put on. A lot of our employees spend countless hours sitting in vehicles and at their desk, then perform arduous tasks that require intense movement. You and your team were able to show taking 5-10 minutes in the morning will help prevent future injuries and save countless hours of downtime plus physical therapy. We also took full advantage of your web-based training and offered opportunities to our employees to use at home and in the office, so they can better their instinctive movements as working athletes. The web-based training gave us the opportunity to hone in on those skills you taught us in person and became widely used throughout the office. As a wildland firefighter and safety professional, I know first hand some of our wildland firefighters and law enforcement officers have had work-related injuries from the job, based on movements they repeat hundreds of times throughout the day. Because of your training, they have been able to utilize those skills to help prevent future injuries from those monotonous daily tasks. Again thank you for providing both in-person and web-based training, we look forward to having you come back in the near future!
—Eugene Hawk Thul, Safety Manager
Phoenix District BLM
I have worked with Dr Hall for over 10 years at a regional medical center where we co-treated patients from all across the spectrum of Physical Medicine. His has an amazing ability to design exercise and therapy programs that are effective for both high level athletes and elderly patients with significant limitations. He has now taken that clinical skillset and put it to work in a occupational setting where large numbers of individuals can be quickly and easily retrained to eliminate their painful behaviors while improving their function and durability. In my many years experience treating injured workers I have found that a program like IMS is paramount to giving patients/workers the confidence and physical abilities they need to be productive and pain free.
— John Brendel MD, Medical Director
Interventional Pain Specialists of Wisconsin
Rice Lake, WI
Our location has recently seen a spike in muscular strains/sprains/pains and we decided to reach out to Dr. Renner and potentially implement IMS’s Pre Shift Conditioning program. Dr. Renner spent the day at our site, conducting training(s) with both our front line employees as well as the leadership team. I was impressed with both the system as well as Dr. Renner’s presentation & training. He gave us the tools to make this a sustainable program and, most importantly, secured the buy-in of the team regarding the need to implement the protocol. The beauty of the Pre Shift Conditioning program is how easy it is to adopt into your Safety Culture and how seamless that integration is with Dr. Renner’s presentation technique. I highly recommend IMS, Dr. Renner, and the program to any business, but particularly to those whose employee’s job responsibilities involve moving and manipulating heavy objects on a daily basis. “
— Andrew Riggs, Operations Supervisor
Waste Connections
Lacey, WA
Last week we had an IMS trainer visit our headquarters and branch offices to introduce and train our employees on the IMS program. The trainer introduced the four basic core movements of the program to our guys before the morning dispatch. It really woke the guys up and got them engaged in thinking about how they perform their daily tasks. He didn’t try to tell them how to do their jobs, but instead, pointed out how they are already using the basic core principles. Just like athletes before a game warm-up, we are stressing the IMS program for our “industrial athletes” to help reduce the stress placed on their knees, hips and shoulders. The long-term benefits of this program will help these guys long after they have left Paxton Van Lines.
— Kevin Callahan, Safety & Risk Mitigation Director
Paxton Van Lines, Inc.
Springfield, VA
It was difficult to find a specialty service provider such as IMS for our business. We’ve worked with IMS now for several years and trust their team to meet our needs. We lost an important foundation in body mechanics, movements and ergonomics because of a business strategy set on profit. After plans to re-engage our workforce and a phone call to one of the professionals at IMS, the plan was made and executed. The professionals at IMS manage our safe lifting and ergonomics training / education. They provide nonstop support so we can focus on more important safety matters. If you want a service provider that’s always there for you, we highly recommend the experts at IMS. We get fast response time, experienced professionals, and best of all, peace of mind. We know they can handle any issue that comes up, so we don’t have to worry about our aging workforce or how to mitigate those injuries going forward. We would recommend IMS to anyone!
— Fred Matthews, Senior Manager of Safety
DHL Express US – CVG
Google Reviews
GDSI contacted Tony Hall in 2009 seeking his assistance with our Repetitive Motion Injury problems. Tony assessed the motions and movements done in each department and developed a stretch program and then taught our employees how to do the stretches effectively. GDSI incorporated the recommendations into our daily production process in the form of a mandatory stretch session every hour. The following year our Repetitive Motion Injury’s dropped by 50%. And today in 2016 we have not had an RMI in 3 years! Tony not only came and taught our employees he also followed up and checked in on us from time to time. Tony has always been passionate about the fact that if we put in the effort we would see positive results! I would highly recommend Tony and IMS to help your facility solve your repetitive motion injury problems. This stretch program can help keep your employees healthy and happy! GDSI is now pleased to announce that thanks to the help of Tony and IMS we have worked 325,874 hours with no lost time! Thank you Tony for caring about the people you work with!
— Cheri Richards, Human Resources Manager
After struggling with a high number of repetitive motion injuries at our facility, we reached out to Tony Hall of IMS. He came to our facility and evaluated all of the jobs in our plant. From there, he assisted us in re-writing our physical Job Descriptions and also developed a stretching program for all of our employees. He took the time to come in and do several training sessions with our employees, and then came back at a later date to retrain them. He was thorough and worked with any employees who weren’t doing the stretches correctly. (Stretches are now being done before the start of each shift and are led by the respective department supervisor.) Tony has not only trained our employees on how to move properly so as not to hurt themselves while doing their jobs, but has also changed their thinking: Your job doesn’t have to hurt you, even if the job you are doing seems physically challenging and involves repetition. Moving properly is key! We have seen outstanding results, in both the reduction of repetitive motion injuries and more importantly, a huge change in the way our employees view their jobs. We have now worked 106,000 man hours without a lost time injury, which we hadn’t accomplished in three years. I attribute a good portion of this to Tony and IMS. We also took what IMS did for us and developed a Post-Offer Pre-Employment test based on the movements he indicated would be necessary to do the jobs in our facility. I would highly recommend that any company hire IMS to assist them in helping their employees work smarter, safer, and in the end, be more healthy in their day-to-day activities. IMS is wonderful to work with, adaptable, professional, and have an enormous amount of knowledge and experience to back up their system. We could not be more pleased.
— Joey Monson, Human Resources Director
Cardinal LG